Relax, take a minute….YOU deserve it!

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It’s Saturday and the weekend is finally here.  If you’re anything like me, that hardly means a day off.  As a matter of fact, the weekend comes and we are even busier with more on our plate than during the actual “work” week.  There’s the cleaning, laundry, volunteer commitments, church and errands that have to get done.  If you’re a parent that means  homework, projects and enrichment activities are added to that already exhausting list to name a few.

So where does time to relax come in at.  How do you get time to nurture the other relationships in your life? Many of us find ourselves with not enough time or maybe even the energy for much else and if we do, is it at the cost of something/someone else going neglected.  We come from the right place wanting to raise well-adjusted children and meaningfully contribute to our community, unfortunately that comes at a cost to our own self-care at times.

For me, at times it seems as if there are not enough hours in the day and realistically no matter how much I’d like it to be different, my obligations are what they are for now.  However; that does not mean that I don’t take a minute.  I recognized that when you’re constantly pushing your limits, your can add stress to not only those around you but compromise your own health. Relax, take a minute…YOU deserve it! It’s a win win situation for everyone.

You see, like many women I’m a self-confessed (my friends & family will agree) product junky which simply means I love me some stuff! Skin, hair and body products, accessories; you name it, I love it! I’ve subscribe to memberships to minimize my urge to product haul. When I had to look at why behind it, I realize that it’s time (and money) spent invested totally on my own wants/needs.  Therefore, I’m able to turn my daily care routines into an experience.  It’s a simple but yet, meaningful way to relax and take minute.

What are some of your go to me-time methods? Please share, and if you don’t have any here are some helpful tips and remember as often as you can, Relax, take a minute…..YOU deserve it! 

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  1. Tasha

    Saturday, November 09, 2013 at 9:57 pm

    You’re just 2 CUTE 🙂

  2. Lakisha

    Sunday, November 10, 2013 at 3:50 am

    Thank you Tasha, you’re not so bad

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